GoM slipped a playlist to Dave R. for his Deadheat Radio Program this week. It "airs" tomorrow @ noon (EST) on Viva Radio, then gets the archive treatment so you can listen (or relisten) whenever you like.
Noon is still a little early, at least for me, on a Saturday. So in aniticipation of my hazy, lazy state of mind here's a slightly shaky, somewhat spacey and kinda mellow set to help calm brittle nerves and speed you toward a full recovery.
Noon is still a little early, at least for me, on a Saturday. So in aniticipation of my hazy, lazy state of mind here's a slightly shaky, somewhat spacey and kinda mellow set to help calm brittle nerves and speed you toward a full recovery.
The Flaming Lips Ode To C.C. (Part II)
Dennis Wilson Thoughts of you
Skip Spence Little Hands
Jackie-O-Motherfucker Hey Mr. Sky
Roy Harper Forget Me Not
Sixto Rodriguez Crucify Your Mind
Zak Riles Sand/Silk Rd Origin
The Ivytree The Book of Job
The Durutti Column Portrait For Frazer
Psychic Ills East
Stag Hare Yert Yah Matreearchy
Magic Lantern Feasting on Energy
Abe Vigoda Wild Heart
Banjo or Freakout Someone Great
13th Floor Elevators I Had To Tell You