Ready to get back to the rock? Good. So are we. We left that celebrity-DJ shaped speedbump back on The Bowery and got an awesome new venue to host our party. Thanks to the hard work of Dave R., starting Thursday Jan. 22 we're calling
Heathers Bar home. We're gonna get started a little later, so reset your mental clock to 9pm. That's when we press play.
To celebrate the new year and hopefully the good times, I made a mix that I'm calling,
Hit That Long Lunar Note and Let It Float. Click the title to download. Rumor has it, Dave's got one in the works too. Looking forward to that.
UPDATE (1/14/09): Rumor confirmed...Here's that mix from 33/45...High Pressure Days includes jamz from Black Oak Arkansas, The Units, Neu! and much more. Hit That Long Lunar Note and Let It FloatSongs:
Don Cherry Brown Rice
Spaceheads Joyriding
Cosmic Jokers Kinder Des AllesWishbone Ash The PilgrimCaptain Beefheart & The Magic Band Big Eyed Beans From VenusOneida Cold Rain & Snow
Brother JT3 Head Business
The Monks We Do Wie Du
Hugo Montenegro Moog Power
Quintron Model Ex CitizenTalking Heads Fela's RiffA.R. & Machines Cosmic Vibration
Grace Jones She's Lost ControlTime: 57:34
Lastly, Dave got a
website up and running for us. Soon we'll be able to post updates, playlists and more but for now check out the flyer he made for the upcoming party...