GOM is completely geeked about tomorrow's performance of legendary Ethiopian saxophonist Getatchew Mekurya (sometimes spelled Mekuria). It's his first ever NYC appearance with our favorite Dutch band, the Ex, who have been playing off and on with Mekurya since the band visited Ethiopia and fell in love with his Shellele style. If you haven't heard their 2006 collaboration Moa Anbessa, I'd get on it. It's a powerful combo of Mekurya's roaring jazz figures unhinging over The Ex's propulsive mix of post-punk, avant and free improv.

August 20th
Lincoln Center/Damrosch Park Bandshell
W 62nd Street & Amsterdam, Manhattan
6:00-10:00 PM
Free to the Public
also performing:
Mahmoud Ahmed and Alemayehu Shete with Either/Orchestra and Extra Golden.